Sunday 18 November 2012

Meet the Team...

Who Are We? and What Do We Do?

So we are a Family of 4 who have decided to write a Travel Blog.

We will blog about places to travel and days out for Families in the UK and beyond...

Basically we want to spread the word on family friendly places to go. To help you decide where is good for your family and where to have those special days out all together.

I'll start with places we've been recently and our favourite holidays so far. Then every time we go anywhere I'll let you know what we think.

It's quite simple really.

Sometimes they'll be written by Me aka Alice (Mummy),
sometimes by The Hoff (Daddy) 
and sometimes by the Kids aka Kyd and Rocky (with a little help from Mummy and Daddy), 

It depends on the places we go to and the experiences we have as to who writes up the experience.

I'm really excited about adding this to our Blog family as I've wanted to do it for so long.

Please feel free to comment on the posts and let us know your experiences of the same place or similar places you've been to. It's always good to read other people's views on the places we've been, as everybody is different and everybody's ideas of a good day out or what makes a good holiday, are different.

Looking forward to hearing from you!

Speak Soon...